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30. Dezember 2021: Von Andreas Heß an Wolfgang Lamminger Bewertung: +3.00 [3]

Hier die Antwort:

thank you for the question regarding missing DRN transition (racetrack) for the I04 approach at EDDC.

The DRN transition is not available in Jeppesen NavData because the racetrack is based on fix 'DRN' which is inside the FAF GOMPA. Please let me explain the situation.
Racetrack procedures are coded with an HF path terminator. Basically most FMS manufactures can handle HF leg when the racetrack refers to a fix inside the FAF, but not all. For the others there was always a manual work around such as pilot intervention. Authority has requested that this no longer be allowed, therefore our coding specification was updated to cover all FMS manufactures. The limited FMS manufactures force the airplane to fly the HF back to the point it is based on, then continues to the next sequence number or Final transition. It does not capture any point in between like most other FMS manufacturers. As a result, Jeppesen has removed all racetrack procedures when the racetrack is based on a fix which is inside the FAF. Therefore, the transition is not available in NavData.

I hope that explains the situation.

30. Dezember 2021: Von Wolfgang Lamminger an Andreas Heß Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

Vielen Dank Andreas! das erklärt das Problem nachvollziehbar...

wie sagt man: "again what learnd" ;-)

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