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5. November 2013: Von Andreas Trainer an Roland Schmidt Bewertung: -1.00 [1]
Ja, der Bob Hoover. Cooler Hund.

Ist der denn im Segelflug gelandet?

Ich habe ihn leider nicht live erlebt. Nur eine (modifizierte) Cub, die unmittelbar nach dem Start einen Looping geflogen ist - mir ist der Atem weggeblieben - ich kenne die Flugleistung der normalen Cub ziemlich gut.
5. November 2013: Von  an Andreas Trainer
Beitrag vom Autor gelöscht
5. November 2013: Von Roland Schmidt an Andreas Trainer Bewertung: -1.00 [1]

Obwohl off topic:

Bob Hoover is best known for his civil air show career, which started when he was hired to demonstrate the capabilities of Aero Commander's Shrike Commander, a twin piston-engined business aircraft which had developed a rather staid reputation due to its bulky shape. Hoover showed the strength of the plane as he put the aircraft through rolls, loops, and other maneuvers which most people would not associate with executive aircraft. As a grand finale, he shut down both engines and executed a loop and an eight-point hesitation slow roll as he headed back to the runway. He touched down on one tire, then the other, before landing. After pulling off the runway, he would start engines to taxi back to the parking area. On airfields with large enough parking ramps (such as the Reno Stead Airport where the Reno Air Races take place), Hoover would sometimes land directly on the ramp and coast all the way back to his parking spot in front of the grandstand without restarting the engines.

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