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2. Februar 2020: Von Jan Brill an Jan Brill

Can the UK simulator be used for the Citation? Is it mandatory?

Let's start with the simple case. For a full type rating or a full TRI course in the C500/550/560 the simulator can be used and according to regulations also shall be used if available and accessible. What these two words mean is interpreted very differently, pls contact us to discuss your options.

For the C501/551 the situation is a little more complicated. And that's because the UK simulator (the only one worldwide), is certified as C550. Since C550 and C551 are legally two different aircraft in the EASA-world (even though they are technically identical, see previous question), not all NAAs accept the UK sim for training and/or checkrides towards a C501/551 rating.

This is no mere technicality certain large NAAs have thrown our complete courses provided by other ATOs (not us!!) because of this.

We know the policy regarding this matter for some NAAs, but not for all. If we haven't had this with your NAA, we have to ask them and proceed accordingly.

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