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10. April 2016: Von  an Olaf Musch Bewertung: +9.00 [9]

dramatische wendung....

ein email des vaters hat mich am samstag erreicht:

dear Ingo Fuhrmeister

I have been told that you helped my son aboard the plane returning from Singapore. The email

adress was forwarded by qatarairlines. At first I want to thank you for the perfect and never

payable assistance you gave my son. I never expected another person to help as nowadays

muslims are not very welcome to other men especially western region. You have shown borderless

and non expiring mental force to get my son back at least for some more weeks to live. Meanwhile

the pancreas-cancer has grown and my son is in the hospital recieving last help. I

want you to thank for the extended time I have recieved from sending you by Allah. Also I dont

know how long my son will be alive but I am happy that you both met with out knowing each other!

Also many thanks from his mother faitah and his sisters and brothers!

If you plan to come to kuwait one time in future - you have my email and phone number! It would be

a pleasure to show you our hospitality!

sincerely yours


geantwortet habe ich heute auf diesem weg:

assalamu alaikum abdullah

by the name of allah the most gracious, merciful and all forgiving i would like to reply respectfully

on your email. you, your family and myself we are praying to the same god every day and so it was

allah's will our trails crossed in sky! i just followed the koran's first sura, rhyme 4, 5 and 6

4. we serve you and we will ask you for assistance

5. lead us the correct way

6. the way of those you are merciful with

also it is allah's will if your son does pass away. i am by myself a father of 2 kids and i know how

especially you feel if you loose your oldest son. allah will help you to come over and lead to again to your life's light

also for me it will be a pleasure to meet with you and go to the friday's praying once we meet!

truly yours

ingo fuhrmeister


daß da soviel dahinter steckt - hätte ich nicht gedacht. auszüge aus dem email seines vaters habe ich oben reinkopiert - er hat mir noch geschrieben, daß sein sohn seit 2 jahren pankreaskrebs hat, der jetzt in den bereich der langehansschen inselzellen vorgedrungen ist und dadurch die körpereigene insulinproduktion kaputt ist. er hat schon öfters diese hyperglykämien bekommen - ist aber immer schnell ins KKH gekommen.

möge allah im gnädig sein!


ingo fuhrmeister

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