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11. Mai 2017: Von Malte Höltken an Mich.ael Brün.ing

Ja, aber in NCO.GEN.135 steht das gleiche:

NCO.GEN.135 Documents, manuals and information to be carried

(a) The following documents, manuals and information shall be carried on each flight as originals or copies unless otherwise specified:
(1) the AFM, or equivalent document(s);
(2) the original certificate of registration;
(3) the original certificate of airworthiness (CofA);
(4) the noise certificate, if applicable;
(5) the list of specific approvals, if applicable;
(6) the aircraft radio licence, if applicable;
(7) the third party liability insurance certificate(s);
(8) the journey log, or equivalent, for the aircraft;
(9) details of the filed ATS flight plan, if applicable;
(10) current and suitable aeronautical charts for the route area of the proposed flight and all routes along which it is reasonable to expect that the flight may be diverted;
(11) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;
(12) the MEL or CDL, if applicable; and
(13) any other documentation that may be pertinent to the flight or is required by the States concerned with the flight.

(b) Notwithstanding (a), on flights:
(1) intending to take off and land at the same aerodrome/operating site; or
(2) remaining within a distance or area determined by the competent authority,
the documents and information in (a)(2) to (a)(8) may be retained at the aerodrome or operating site.

(c) Notwithstanding (a), on flights with balloons or sailplanes, excluding touring motor gliders (TMGs), the documents and information in (a)(2) to (a)(8) and (a)(11) to (a)(13) may be carried in the retrieve vehicle.

(d) The pilot-in-command shall make available within a reasonable time of being requested to do so by the competent authority, the documentation required to be carried on board.

11. Mai 2017: Von Mark Juhrig an Malte Höltken

Hier noch zur Ergänzung, was in den AMCs zum Part NCO bezüglich des geforderten "Journey Logs" steht:

AMC1 NCO.GEN.150 Journey log
(a) The aircraft journey log, or equivalent, should include the following items, where applicable:
(1) aircraft nationality and registration;
(2) date;
(3) name of crew member(s);
(4) duty assignments of crew members, if applicable;
Supplementary document to ED Decision 2013/022/R
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(5) place of departure;
(6) place of arrival;
(7) time of departure;
(8) time of arrival;
(9) hours of flight;
(10) nature of flight;
(11) incidents and observations (if any); and
(12) signature of the pilot-in-command.
(b) The information or parts thereof may be recorded in a form other than on printed paper. Accessibility, usability and reliabili

11. Mai 2017: Von Oliver Toma an Mark Juhrig

Aber mal zurück zum Thread-Thema:

Nirgendwo steht, dass es VOR dem Abflug passieren muss. Halte ich persönlich für total absurd.

Ach so: Und damit zweifele ich nicht an, dass Georg dies wiederfahren ist! Ich wüsste gar nicht, wie ich auf so eine These reagieren würde...

11. Mai 2017: Von Wolfgang Lamminger an Oliver Toma Bewertung: +4.00 [4]

Ich wüsste gar nicht, wie ich auf so eine These reagieren würde...

Am Besten mit der Frage "wo steht das?"

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