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20. September 2023 11:10 Uhr: Von Markus Engelbrecht an C. B. Bewertung: +3.00 [3]

und zusätzlich noch:

AMC2 NCO.GEN.125 Portable electronic devices (PEDs)

(a) Familiarisation
The pilot-in-command should familiarise himself or herself with the use of the EFB hardware
and its applications on the ground before using them in flight for the first time.
A user guide should be available for the pilot-in-command.
(b) Check before flight
Before each flight, the pilot-in-command should perform the following checks to ensure the
continued safe operation of the EFB during the flight:
(1) general check of the EFB operation by switching it ON and checking that the applications
they intend to use in flight are adequately operative;
(2) check of the remaining available battery power, if applicable, to ensure the availability of
the EFB during the planned flight;
(3) check of the version effectivity of the EFB databases, if applicable (e.g. for charts,
performance calculation and weight and balance applications); and
(4) check that an appropriate backup is available when a chart application or an application
displaying aircraft checklists is used.
(c) Chart applications
The navigation charts that are depicted should contain the necessary information in an
appropriate format, to perform the operation safely. Consideration should be given to the size
of the display to ensure legibility.

alles was nicht papier ist, braucht ein backup...entweder 2. PED/EFB/whatever, oder als papier. Papier braucht kein backup...verlieren ist dann eben pech....

Skydemon läuft am iPad und ich schick ich mir zusätzlich ein komplettes briefingpackage inkl. Kartenauschnitte per pdf ans handy. Somit hab ich dann alles auf 2 geräten verfügbar.



20. September 2023 11:30 Uhr: Von TH0MAS N02N an Markus Engelbrecht

...schön wenn die Verordnung und Ausführungsbestimmungen mal das sagen, was der gesunde Menschenverstand auch sagt :-))

23. September 2023 15:01 Uhr: Von B. Quax F. an Markus Engelbrecht

(4) check that an appropriate backup is available when a chart application or an application
displaying aircraft checklists is used.
(c) Chart applications
The navigation charts that are depicted should contain the necessary information in an
appropriate format, to perform the operation safely. Consideration should be given to the size
of the display to ensure legibility.

Da es je schon per "Definition" nicht DIE Karte gibt, werfe ich jetzt mal in den Ring das auch ein GTN eine Karte mit den erfoderlichen Informationen zur Durchführung des Fluges und für mich ein Backup wäre. Plus ein PFD/MFD mit Karte Ebenso ;-)

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