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15. März 2021: Von Herbert SNKF Licenik an Michael Söchtig

Ein FAA Examiner wurde gebeten, bei der FAA nachzufragen. Hier die Antwort:

I contacted the Airmen Medical Certification Branch this morning. Here, in summary, is their position:

The FAA has only evaluated the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. There is no position by the FAA relative to any other vaccines at this point in time. For the three approved vaccines, the person receiving the vaccine has to observe the 48 hour “no fly”/safety period after each dose. If they are exercising the privileges of any FAA pilot certificate and a medical certificate is required for the operation(s), the 48 hour period applies.

FAA has not approved or taken a position on any other of the vaccines that may be out there.

Die FAA sagt allerdings auch: “Additional vaccines will each be evaluated as EUAs are issued”, so dass man die genannte Webseite öfter auf Aktualisierungen checken sollte.


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