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9. November 2020: Von Guido Warnecke an thomas _koch Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

ich wolle immer schon mal zur 0.1% Elite gehoeren :-)

9. November 2020: Von Sven Walter an Guido Warnecke Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

Tust du das nicht bereits per Studium? Wieviel Promill der Piloten haben wohl ein Bergbaustudium ;-)?

10. November 2020: Von Rolf A. an Sven Walter Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

Nachdem die Diskussion gerade wieder einmal so schön abdriftet, hier ein inhaltlicher Beitrag zum Thema ;)

Wer es beim Google-Suchen noch nicht gefunden hat, hier sind 45 min Training von Honeywell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4UxlOBvTkI, ich finde das Video gut aufbereitet.

10. November 2020: Von Patrick Lienhart an Rolf A.

Falls es wen interessiert, die LOI von EASA bzgl. IR und AWR


List the two main tasks of the weather radar in respect of weather and navigation

Explain how the antenna is attitude-stabilised in relation to the horizontal plane using the aircraft's attitude reference system

Describe the cone shaped pencil beam of about 3° to 5° beam width used for weather depiction

Explain that in modern AWRs a single radiation pattern is used for both mapping and weather with the

scanning angle being changed between them

Presentation and interpretation

Explain the functions of the following different modes on the radar control panel

— Off/on switch
— Function switch, with modes WX, WX+T and MAP. — Gain control setting (auto/manual)
— Tilt/auto tilt switch.

Name, for areas of differing reflection intensity, the colour gradations (green, yellow, red and magent indicating the increasing intensity of precipitation

Illustrate the use of azimuth marker lines and range lines in respect of the relative bearing and the distance a thunderstorm or to a landmark on the screen

Coverage and Range

Explain how the radar is used for weather detection and for mapping (range, tilt and gain if available)

Errors, accuracy, limitations

Explain why AWR should be used with extreme caution when on the ground

Factors affecting range and accuracy

Explain the danger of the area behind heavy rain (shadow area) where no radar waves will penetrate

Explain why the tilt setting should be higher when the aircraft descends to a lower altitude

Explain why the tilt setting should be lower when the aircraft climbs to a higher altitude

Explain why a thunderstorm may not be detected when the tilt is set too high

Application for navigation

Explain how turbulence (not CAT) can be detected by a modern weather ra

Describe the navigation function of the radar in the mapping mode

Describe the use of the weather radar to avoid a thunderstorm (Cb)

Explain how wind shear can be detected by a modern weather radar

4 Beiträge Seite 1 von 1


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