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31. August 2012: Von  an Intrepid

Mit Mühe bekommt man viel heraus.
Manche Behörden lassen sich die Radardaten vom Prüfungsflug von 2007 zeigen und werten die aus:


In December 2007, the CAA issued a PPL(H) to Paul Spencer. On 26 January 2008, Paul Spencer and his wife were killed in a helicopter crash at Rudding Park, Harrogate. Paul Spencer’s Skill Test had been examined by John Jackson. Mr Jackson had signed a Skill Test report which contained the following information: the test flight had commenced at Beverley, then on to Driffield, Scarborough, Breighton and had ended at Beverley; the test flight had commenced at 1200 hours and finished at 1400; all 5 sections had been tested and the applicable exercises had been undertaken. However, radar data painted a different picture of the flight: the aircraft departed from Breighton aerodrome, which is not a licensed aerodrome; the aircraft departed from Breighton at 1207 and not 1200; the aircraft did fly to Beverley but arrived there at 1221, not 1200; the flight did not end at Beverley but at Breighton and it ended at 1347 hours and not 1400 hours. The conduct of 10 exercises could not be confirmed on the radar evidence. Mr Jackson stated that he had made an error in recording Beverley as the last stop (he had made a correct entry in his personal flying log book) and that he had assessed all the required elements of the skill test.

On 3 February 2012, at Haywards Heath Magistrates’ Court, Mr Jackson pleaded guilty to knowingly making a false entry in the skill test document, Article 94(2), Air Navigation Order 2005. The sentence was a Conditional Discharge for 12 months and Mr Jackson was ordered to pay £369.80 costs.

31. August 2012: Von Lutz D. an 
Durchaus angemessen. Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als schummelnde Prüfer und lasche Lehrer bei Übungsflügen.

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