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30. Mai 2020: Von Wolfgang Lamminger an Stefan K. Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

Die FAA, auch wenn für EASA-Land nicht "bestimmend" aber dennoch sinnig und pragmatisch, hat hierzu ein "Advisory Cicular" herausgebracht.

Wie weiter oben festgestellt, geht es ja im Wesentlichen um "non-towered airports", hier natürlich auch ohne "Info"-Frequenz und Flugleiter, sondern "CTAF", also "Air-to-Air" Kommunikation.

Ich denke, das fasst Problem und Lösungsansatz ganz gut zusammen...

Advisory Circular

Non-Towered Airport Flight OperationsDate: 3/13/18 AC No: 90-66B



9.5 Straight-In Landings. The FAA encourages pilots to use the standard traffic pattern when arriving or departing a non-towered airport or a part-time-towered airport when the control tower is not operating, particularly when other traffic is observed or when operating from an unfamiliar airport. However, there are occasions where a pilot can choose to execute a straight-in approach for landing when not intending to enter the traffic pattern, such as a visual approach executed as part of the termination of an instrument approach. Pilots should clearly communicate on the CTAF and coordinate maneuvering for and execution of the landing with other traffic so as not to disrupt the flow of other aircraft. Therefore, pilots operating in the traffic pattern should be alert
at all times to aircraft executing straight-in landings, particularly when flying a base leg prior to turning final.

9.6 Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Traffic. Pilots conducting instrument approaches should be particularly alert for other aircraft in the pattern so as to avoid interrupting the flow of traffic, and should bear in mind they do not have priority over other VFR traffic. Pilots are reminded that circling approaches require left-hand turns unless the approach procedure explicitly states otherwise. This has been upheld by prior FAA legal interpretations of § 91.126(b).

9.6.1 Non-instrument-rated pilots might not understand radio calls referring to approach waypoints, depicted headings, or missed approach procedures. IFR pilots often indicate that they are on a particular approach, but that may not be enough information for a non-IFR-rated pilot to know your location. It is better to provide specific direction and distance from the airport, as well as the pilot’s intentions upon completion of the approach. For example, instead of saying, “PROCEDURE TURN INBOUND V-O-R APPROACH 36,” it should be “6 MILES SOUTH ... INBOUND V-O-R APPROACH RUNWAY 36, LOW APPROACH ONLY” or “6 MILES SOUTH ... INBOUND V-O-R APPROACH RUNWAY 36, LANDING FULL STOP


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