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4. Februar 2020: Von Jan Brill an Jan Brill

I have received my login name. How to proceed?

In order to get access to your training records and sign the training contract, you need to first make sure your login works:

  1. Go to flugdienst.at
    If you already know you passwort from previous training or other services, enter it in the top left corner and hit "Log in" and proceed to step 5.

  2. If you don't know your password, you need to reset it by email. Click "Forgot Password" below the login fields and follow the instructions.

  3. You'll receive an email with a link to reset your password. Follow the link and assign a new password according to the instructions provided.

  4. When completed, go back to flugdienst.at and log in.

  5. After login, you should see your own name in the top center of the screen. Click your name. This gets you to your pilot file "FLIGHT OPERATIONS" sections of your account.

  6. In the "FLIGHT OPERATIONS" section, you should see multiple documents, sorted by date. Some are green (="OK"), some are orange (="action required").

  7. You should see a record named "Document Review Training Contract". You're in the right place!
    Click "Edit" in the left lower corner of the line.

  8. To sign your training contract, continue with the "how to sign documents" quick guide.

  9. To access training documents, click on the documents-link below the training aircraft in the right column or click the course you're taking and go to the aircraft in the "Selected Aircraft and Training Documents" link.
You will see more documents now than before in the free version of the site.

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