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18. April 2016: Von Christian Weidner an christian langer Bewertung: +8.00 [8]


hier die Antwort auf die gleiche Frage von der AOPA DK.

Hello Christian,

Thanks for your question which is is something we have also been wondering here.

You are indeed right that the AIP/VFR has for many years needed an update in this area. We have been pushing the Danish CAA and they agree that for Schengen flights there is in principle no obligation to use an airport of entry. They have not updated the text in the VFG since they need to coordinate with the Tax and Customs Authority and that has now taken a little over three years with reminders from us every 6 month!

In practice it is my impression that very few, if any, are sticking to these rules. People file a flight plan and fly to any airfield. Also note the remark in the VFG AD 1.1-1:

"Private aerodromes may be used for flights to and from Denmark. In such cases, the private aerodrome shall be approved by the Customs Authority for that purpose. Information about this shall be obtained from the owner of the private aerodrome concerned"

So in many cases people flying to a private airfield are actually complying with the the official requirement in the VFG.

There has not been any official changes after the introduction of border control between Germany and Denmark. Since the control is purely based on random inspections and since, in principle, the police can make random checks based on your flightplan I would consider it business as usual. I would however recommend you to make sure that all your passengers bring a valid passport.

Den VFG findest Du hier... https://aim.naviair.dk

Hoffe, das hilft. Viel Spaß auf den vielen schönen Plätzen in Dänemark. Hier gibt es eine sehr empfehlenswerte Zusammenstellung: https://www.airbooks.dk/flyveplads-guiden.html


18. April 2016: Von christian langer an Christian Weidner

perfekt, vielen Dank.

Das macht es auf jeden Fall viel klarer, auch wenn es nicht wirklich ordentlich rechtlich geklärt,ist ;)

aber ich freue mich auf schöne Ausflüge und danke auch für die beiden Links....


18. April 2016: Von T. Magin an christian langer

Und selbst die kleinsten Inseln habe sehr offizielle Gebaeude - das ersetzt doch jeden Airport of Entry :-) Die kostenlosen Fahrraeder sind dann aber wieder sehr unueblich - fuer einen "Int'l Airport".

Und nicht vergessen sich hier https://www.northavimet.com/systemsider/create-login/ den Login fuer das Wetterbriefing zu bestellen! Ist kostenlos.

Viele Spass!

Gruss, Thomas

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