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1. März 2010: Von Florian Guthardt an 
Bei Flight Safety ist es immer noch std. Procedure das ohne Visum zu machen! Ob das 100% richtig ist sei dahin gestellt aber flight safety stellt keine Visa-Formulare aus!
1. März 2010: Von Julian Koerpel an Florian Guthardt
Mööp -falsch !
War grad bei FSA in KVRB zu Besuch und siehe da:

Most of these schools do not issue M1-F1 visa for type ratings done in the USA.

the TSA requires an M1 visa before attending a type rating.

You can been turn down with a B2 visa (tourist).The tourist visa is NOT accepted for initial type rating.
WARNING:Some schools will give you an INS form telling you need a B2 visa. This form is NOT valid...

contact the TSA for VISA issues.

Visa information

This section applies to aliens who are planning on receiving flight training in the United States.
The requirements for obtaining any visa are separate from the requirements of the TSA alien flight training rule.
According to INS regulations, Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 214.2(b)(7), any alien who is permitted to enter the United States on a B-1 or B-2 visitor's status visa is prohibited from enrolling in a course of study. Such an alien must an either obtain an F-1 or M-1 non-immigrant visa from a consular officer abroad and seek readmission to the United States, or apply for and obtain a change of status under section 248 of the Act and 8 CFR Part 248. The alien may not enroll in the course of study until the Service has admitted the alien as an F-1 or M-1 nonimmigrant or has approved the alien's application.

Taking flight training without an appropriate visa could be a violation of your immigration status and could result in your arrest and removal from the United States; therefore, it is important that you have a visa that permits you to take flight training in the United States. If you do not possess the correct visa, or if you have questions pertaining to your visa status or the appropriate visas for flight training, please contact your local Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services at 800/375-5283 or www.uscis.gov or the State Department Consular Affairs Office for assistance. The AFSP will deny flight training requests from candidates who are present in the United States illegally or who do not have an appropriate visa for flight training. Fees paid for denied applications are not refundable.

Also: Visum :-)

1. März 2010: Von Florian Guthardt an Julian Koerpel
Korrekterweise mit Visum ist klar, aber Flight Safety in Wichita hat definitiv in einem mir bekanntem Fall das so gemacht, ohne Visum, die hatten auch da nicht wirklich Ahnung von.

Mein Eindruck ist dass die meisten Trainings in den USA ohne Visum abgewickelt werden, wobei natürlich das Risiko dabei ist dass es Ärger gibt!
1. März 2010: Von Florian Guthardt an Julian Koerpel
By the way, das verlinkte Dokument bezog sich auf Flight training unter 12500lbs nicht auf einen Type Rating Course!
3. März 2010: Von Julian Koerpel an Florian Guthardt
Hallo, danke, hab ich grad gesehen :-)

Grüße aus KPIE

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