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23. Februar 2021: Von Tobias Schnell an Marco Schwan

Wie genau, ist aber noch nicht raus

Doch, das ist schon alles festgelegt - siehe Amendment zur 1178/2011 vom 04.03.2020, Article 4c:

Transitional measures for holders of an en route instrument rating

1. Up to and including 8 September 2022, holders of an en route instrument rating (‘EIR’) set out in point FCL.825 of Annex I (Part-FCL) shall:

(a) be entitled to continue to exercise the privileges of their EIR;

(b) [...]

(c) be entitled to receive full credit towards the training requirements in point FCL.835(c)(2)(i) and (ii) of Annex I (Part-FCL), when applying for the issue of a basic instrument rating (BIR) in accordance with point FCL.835 of Annex I (Part-FCL); and

(d) receive full credit as established for EIR holders in Annex I (Part-FCL).

2. [...]

3. Applicants for a BIR who hold an EIR or have passed the theoretical knowledge examination for an EIR in accordance with point FCL.825(d) prior to 8 September 2021 shall receive full credit towards the requirements for the theoretical knowledge instruction and examination for the BIR.

Demnach wie ich weiter oben schrieb: Keine Theorieausbildung oder -Prüfung, nur praktische Ausbildung im Modul 2 + Skill Test.

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