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25. Mai 2010: Von Gerd Wengler an Peter Luthaus
Ich glaube, Du hast recht, kein ADF mehr in Grönland. Aber Du brauchst eins im Norden Kanadas. Im Prinzip ist hier die Regel so: Man muß in der Lage sein, einen IFR Flug bei Ausfall EINES beliebigen Instruments oder EINER Avionics Komponente, zu Ende führen zu können. Wenn z.B. die GPS Antenne ausfällt, braucht man ein ADF, da es keine VORs und LOCs in Reichweite gibt.


TC.AIM 3.16.10.
In sparsely settled areas, particularly in the Arctic, aerodromes are farther apart and the most common navigation aid is the NDB. In these areas, operators equipped with GNSS avionics meeting the conditions in this document may consider eliminating DME avionics, but would likely not meet the CAR 605.18 requirements without ADF.

CAR 605.18
Power-driven Aircraft - IFR
605.18 No person shall conduct a take-off in a power-driven aircraft for the purpose of IFR flight unless it is equipped with
(j) sufficient radio navigation equipment to permit the pilot, in the event of the failure at any stage of the flight of any item of that equipment, including any associated flight instrument display,
(i) to proceed to the destination aerodrome or proceed to another aerodrome that is suitable for landing, and
(ii) where the aircraft is operated in IMC, to complete an instrument approach and, if necessary, conduct a missed approach procedure.

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