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8. Februar 2007: Von Gérard Binnendijk an Charly Schorr
interessanter Austausch.
Betreffend Garmin GNS 430 ist zu sagen, dass jetzt ein Update rauskommt (siehe Pressenotiz Garmin Jan/2007) und es WAAS tauglich sein wird.
GNS 430/530 WAAS Update Announcement

WAAS Upgrades for GNS 430/530 Delayed

The purpose of this notice is to update existing and potential owners on the progress of WAAS upgrades for our GNS 430/530, GPS 400/500, and GNC 420 units.

The WAAS upgrade was regrettably delayed due to the necessity of a major change to some key components, including a major software rewrite. Given the significance of these changes, the availability of the upgrade is now projected to be the third quarter of 2006.

The complexity of this important project has increased as well as the R&D investment to design, build, and certify our new WAAS-enabled GPS antenna, receiver, and associated software. In spite of these challenges, Garmin is still committed to delivering WAAS capability to our existing owners at a price of $1500, as previously promised. This upgrade will not only meet the WAAS TSO C146a, but will include a significant hardware upgrade with a new and much faster micro-processor for your unit. It will also give you a one year warranty on your radio, regardless of its current age at the time of the upgrade.

Current owners must order the WAAS upgrade before November 15, 2005 to lock into the $1500 offer. Owners should contact their Garmin Aviation Distributor to place an order for the WAAS upgrade and include the serial number(s) of the unit(s). Garmin will not bill your distributor until the upgrade work has been performed. There will be no penalty for cancellation of WAAS upgrade orders.

New purchases of GNS 430/530, GPS 400/500 and GNC 420s after June 1, 2005 will be upgradeable to WAAS at a price of $2,000.

We sincerely apologize for this delay and ask for your patience and understanding. Garmin will continue to communicate our progress to you and inform you of a firm delivery date as soon as we are able.

Updated Info on 17.01.2007
.......Regarding you other questions, Terrain is currently offered as an option on any older units as a upgrade and all new units are supplied with this feature. The Mod for this is known as Mod6. The cost for upgrading is $500 and can be performed by any Garmin dealer of by Garmin Europe here in our workshop. This mod simply adds an extra page to the existing NAV pages on the 430/530. Please note that this non-certified terrain and does not constitute as a full TAWS system.

The WAAS upgrade program will be rolled out across Europe approximately the third quarter of this year. [2007]This upgrade will consist of a Hardware and software change. The new WAAS system will bring some operational benefits as well as the ability to do a GPS approach in the US (GPS approach information is stored in the larger size jeppesen datacard, supplied with the upgrade). More information will become available closer to the update date.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or clarification.

Best Regards

Trevor Pegrum

Aviation Product Support

(Europe) Ltd

Phone: +44 (0)870 8501243

Email: trevor.pegrum@garmin.com

Beteffend Garmin 296 ist noch folgendes festzuhalten:

Garmin GPSMAP 496

Das neue Topmodell GPSMAP 496, bietet im gleichen Gehäuse wie das 296 eine erheblich verbesserte Ablesbarkeit des Displays mit 9,5 cm Durchmesser in der Diagonale, 256 Farben und hervorragenden 480x320 Bildpunkten Auflösung. Die Kartendarstellung mit Terrainwarnungen ist noch detaillierter geworden, die neuen Funktionen "Show Airspace" und "Smart Airspace" blenden Lufträume oberhalb einer wählbaren Höhe aus bzw. heben Lufträume hervor, die für die gegenwärtige Flughöhe relevant sind. Die höhere Prozessorgeschwindigkeit ermöglicht die Positionsaktualisierung fünfmal pro Sekunde. VFR-Pflichtmeldepunkte und Hindernisse ab 300 Fuss Höhe werden für Europa angezeigt. Akustische Warnmeldungen können ins Headset eingespeist werden ("Terrain! Pull up!").

Beim Kauf eines 296 ist sicherlich auch der 496 in Betracht zu ziehen.
Herzlichen Gruss
Gérard Binnendijk

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