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31. Mai 2008: Von Harald Schröter an Irmin Kerck
Hallo Fliegerkameraden,

folgenden Artikel hab ich grad auf Diesel-Air gefunden:

AVWeb writes: ‘Austro will have to overcome several technical problems that have dogged the Thielert engines, chief among them is the requirement to inspect and/or replace the engine's gearbox at 300-hour intervals. Since it runs at the same RPM as the Thielert, the Austro has a reduction gearbox but the Hor Technologie-developed gear set is being initially fielded with an 1800-hour TBO. Further, unlike the Thielert, the Austro has no clutch, but uses a dynamic damper to insulate the prop and gear train from the diesel's sharp power pulses. The Centurion line also encountered cooling system faults that caused cracked cylinder heads. Fuel specifics for the Austro are said to be 20 percent better than the Centurion line, a claim that's consistent with the engine's performance in the Mercedes A-Class economy sedan, which delivers as much 56 MPH on the highway. The burning question that beached Diamond owners have is: when? Marcus Hergeth, the Austro managing director, told Flight Daily that first deliveries are planned for October of this year. It is not known what production levels are planned. If the Austro plans work out, they may complicate short-term efforts to revive Thielert Aircraft Engines. Because Diamond represents the majority of new engine and parts business for Thielert, investors may be reticent to recapitalize a company whose market is overhung by a major competitor who is also a customer. Diamond and Bruno Kuebler have engaged in a bitter war of words over how to restore engine and parts flow to Diamond customers. Last week, Kuebler published new parts prices that Diamond called ‘abusive’ (they certainly are, since the Thielert price list pre-bankruptcy was already prohibitive) and it announced that Thielert would no longer honor its warranty commitments. Meanwhile, more of Diamonds customers go AOG each day as engines come due for gearbox and engine replacements.’

Conclusion for the time being: The world of General Aviation needs diesel and must shift to Jetfuel. Diamond is doing what it takes to remain the leader in powers of less than 200HP for the time being, but at this very moment does not have a certified engine to propose. We can be sure they will soon. We can assume that the Thielert experience with a V8, 300-350HP engine will not survive. The SMA engine, which is an O engine of much lower power per liter (50HP/liter against 70-85 for the Mercedes derived engines), has no gear, is air-oil cooled, is STCd on the Cessna 182, and on which all reports are satisfactory, constitutes

Sollten bei Diamanten Dries und MB-Tech tatsächlich Profis am Werke sein? Es sollte uns alle freuen.
Schönes Wochenende!

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