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1. Dezember 2004: Von Howard E. Mills an Jan Brill
Please excuse my writing in English langauge - although I can speak & read German my written text would not be understood....

I'm British, living in Germany since the early 80s and learnt to fly (& speak German) with a club in N. Germany. PPL/C in 1983 & PPL/B in 1984.

Although I have flown very little in the UK I am aware of the gliding scene there and take the "Sailplane & Gliding" Magazine. The simplified medical requirements in the UK are pragmatic & there is no evidence that the differing levels of medical examinations have any effect on accident statistics. The impression I had over the years was that pilots in Germany "disapproved" of the pragmatic scheme in the UK. This view has started to change over the last few months!!!!

It well known that at international gliding competition level the British and German pilots are among the best and the competition is intense. However I am sure the British pilots would rather win in fair competition than to have the German teams in future years decimated by these medical regulations which are proven to be a contributory factor to falling club membership.

Just a couple of corrections / observations to your article.

Dr. Peter Saundby is (as far as I am aware) the medical advisor to the BGA (British Gliding Association). His views seem to be sympathetically received by the CAA (UK eqiv. of LBA). I believe that Peter is an active glider pilot.... He is also lobbying at the European level. It seems that Peter is able to read German text - I pointed him to the JAR-FCL web & your article. Peter believes it is crazy to apply the full weight of JAR 3 to 14-year olds!

I believe it is not true to state that gliders in Britain do not have annual inspections. Its my understanding that they do - this is organised by the BGA. Some of the strange practices in Germany (like exchanging perfectly good cockpit straps after 12 years) are unkown in the UK. There probably are a few BGA examiners in Germany - we'd need more.

There are very few LAWS in the UK governing gliding. The rest is self-governing. This does not mean in any way that the trainging is substandard! Just take a look at the BGA Instructor's manual! One law we do not want to adopt here is the UK law that no-one is allowed to go solo before their 16th birthday. The BGA would like to change this to 14 citing the good experience in other countries but pragmatically say that there are other more fundamental battles to fight at the moment.

Soft Landings....
1. Dezember 2004: Von Stefan Jaudas an Howard E. Mills
Hallo Howard,

schön gesagt.

Wobei ich noch hinzufügen würde, daß in diesem Land wahrscheinlich ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Teil der Leute, die nun "Verhältnisse wie in Großbritannien" propagieren, noch vor 2 Jahren jeden Piloten mit einem gültigen britischen Segelflugschein erstmal kräftig "nachgeschult" hätten. Mindestens.

Aber plötzlich sind diese Trauben gar nicht mehr so sauer.

Wir kennen ja beide einen Fall mit einem australischen Schein.


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