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14. März 2021: Von Patrick Whiskey Echo Yankee an Peter Holmes Bewertung: +1.00 [1]

That is a misrepresentation and you know it, Patrick. Already discussed.

It is not: I have tried everything I could. I offered (and am still offering) to:

  • Add the feature to the euroga airports database project on a test site just to evaluate for free
  • Add an ability to opt-in or opt-out on a user account basis for those users who want to contribute to the euroga airport database, but who do not want the wider community beyond euroga users to benefit for whatever reason they may have. So only the data from accounts that opted-in would be available via the API.
  • As you're considering a Telegram interface (the irony being that that requires an API of some sort), I would offer to build that as well - both including Natural Language Processing so you can just talk to it, as well as the "/command" kind of thing known from the autorouter bot.
  • Of course, I'd also feed in all my airport experience.

I wonder, what's not to like? I have no imagination what else could be done to change the mindset behind the "Nay", so I think it is not a misrepresentation that if there were another project trying to consolidate airport information and pirep data (basically requiring API access, no?), they would not receive much support from the euroga project, as it stands now.

As I wrote before, everybody who asked EuroGA to supply them with the airports data had already asked eddh.de and the others and was told to go away by all of them.

That, of course, IS a misrepresentation. At least I have never reached out to eddh.de or anywhere else. I do not believe eddh.de (being German only and with little appetite for change) is the future in this regard. I did believe, at the time when I reached out to you, that the euroga project is the best suited candidate for becoming the single-source-of-truth for European airport data and reviews. However, I now understand that is not the case and the appetite to go that way is non-existant. This project expressively WANTS to be yet another data silo. I've tried to explain this before, but here again: People asking you is/was a compliment as people put faith in the project. It's frustrating and frankly offensive, to be rejected and subjected to accusations such as this:

The request for an API is just a way of dressing this up, to make it look "nice" and to make those being asked look unhelpful.

It's quite sad really: The GA community is small enough and it would be so great if the few in it could work together hand-in-hand to build good things. Here's an example where we'd all benefit more from cooperation than from competition. But here we are, everyone stuck in their own boxes.

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