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23. Januar 2012: Von Martin H. an Achim H.
Quote ((https://www.ainonline.com/?q=aviation-news/aviation-international-news/2011-10-04/aspens-connected-panel-hooks-ipads-avionics):

"Connected Panel is designed as an open-architecture system, and Aspen has invited developers to create apps that will bring additional functionality to the system. But, for now at least, Connected Panel will work only with Aspen Avionics Evolution Pro displays and the KSN 770 (installed in an Aspen cockpit).

ForeFlight is developing a Connected Panel app that will allow pilots to plan a flight on the iPad using ForeFlight Mobile then load that wirelessly into the KSN 770. Pilots will also be able to use the ForeFlight app to tune the KSN 770’s radios, by touching the iPad screen to push a frequency from a displayed chart to the standby window in the navcom. Another developer, AvConnect, will allow automatic logging of aircraft performance data and pilot hours into the AvConnect iPad app. Hilton Software is also planning Connected Panel capability for its WingX Pro 7 app.

A big benefit of Connected Panel for iPad users is that GPS data from cockpit navigators can be delivered to the iPad easily, eliminating the need for an external GPS or relying on the iPad 3G’s internal GPS.

More than a dozen companies are partnering with Aspen on Connected Panel apps or hardware, including avionics manufacturers Avidyne, Honeywell Bendix/King, J.P. Instruments and PS Engineering, and software and app developers AvConnect, Coradine Aviation Systems, Digital Sectional, ForeFlight, Hilton Software, iFlightPlanner.com, Jeppesen, Parrot, Pinnacle Aerospace, Seattle Avionics and Sporty’s Pilot Shop. “Once [developers] get the hang of Connected Panel, we will see lots of apps,” Hayden predicted."

Dabei haben m.E. weder Foreflight noch WingX aktuell eine "Atlantic Coverage" und bieten Charts nur für die Americas aber wenn Jeppesen ihre App bringt wäre das ein echter Benefit: Auf dem Ipad zuhause den Plan machen, abschicken und auch alle Charts im Zugriff zu haben finde ich persönlich klasse..

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