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16. Oktober 2012: Von Flieger Max L.oitfelder an Guido Warnecke Bewertung: +1.00 [1]
"Video just touches the surface of the g1000 system without going in depth on what you need to know to effectively use all of its fantastic options. The included g1000 trainer is a computer resource hog. It also doesn't let you situate the simulator to your home airport, but rather defaults to Sportys airport. That's great if you live in that area, but not very good if you want to practice building flight plans to airports that you normally would fly to. General Comments Richard Collins is great, but don't think that if you buy this course, you will be able to go hop into a 172SP and take it x country. Remember, you get what you pay for. If you can spare the extra $150.00, go with the King Schools training course. It is much much more in depth" Das klingt nicht so enthusiastisch..

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