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2. April 2023 Jan Brill
Leserflugzeug-Lisa: Leserflugzeug Lisa for Sale
For SALE: Two Grumman AA5A Cheetah, Long Range Tanks, Glass Cockpit, 2-Axis Autopilot, Full IFR, including extensive parts collection
After 14 years, Pilot und Flugzeug, Germanys leading General Aviation Magazine, is liquidating its two famous "Leserflugzeuge" called Lisas. The two Grumman Cheetah AA5A were rented out to our readers since 2009 (2012), and have been the focus of many related stories and coverage.
We're ending the project due to staff shortage. The two mighty little Grummans still have lots of life left in them and are looking for a new home. They are available for sale in an auction that is ending April 30, 2023, 23:59 hrs CEST. Also available for auction is a collection of parts that we have accumulated over that past 14 years to keep the airplanes in the air.

So long and thank's for all the fuel! After 14 years and more than 7.800 hours, we're ending the "Leserflugzeug"-Project. | Auction? How does it work?
Available for sale are three separate items. Lisa A (N26292), Lisa B (N9920U) and the parts collection. You can bid for any of the three items separately or for all of them together. We have put together a comprehensive description including maintenance logs and oil analysis on this site. The airplanes are also available to fly and to inspect.
Finding a fair price in the current General Aviation market is no easy task. We're looking for serious buyers who know what they're doing when bidding for a 50 year old General Aviation airplane. We've grown to like these airplanes a lot and we would prefer a good and technically competent home for them instead of a bidding frenzy. Accordingly, it will be a mostly silent auction. When you made up your mind what these airplane(s) would be worth to you, please state your highest offer on the attached bidding form. You will receive a confirmation within two days. Three days (72 hours) before the end of the auction we will inform all bidders about the highest bid and whether they are holding it. So you have three more days to maybe up your bid if you like.
All bids must be accompanied by an ID document. We reserve the right to reject bids that appear to be non-serious. Conditional bids (e.g. "I'm bidding XYZ if the airplane passes this or that inspection") will be ignored. The only conditions we accept are the ones that are stated on the form (e.g. "This bid for the parts collection is void if I don't win one of the two airplanes").
Where can I view the airplanes?
Both airplanes are on display during AERO Friedrichshafen at our booth on the static display, in front of "Halle A4". Additionally Lisa A (N26292) can be viewed and flown at her homebase at Egelsbach/EDFE. Lisa B is currently in Annual at FMS in Michelstadt/EDFO. You can arrange for a time and date to view the a/c there directly with Mr. Mike Wacker, the A&P/IA. After Easter Lisa B will be available in Mainz/EDFZ until AERO.
If you would like to check the aircraft(s) out and fly them, please contact one of our instructors and arrange for a suitable time and date.
Prebuy inspection?

The Cheetah is looking for a new home. | You may perform a prebuy inspection at EDFZ or EDFE if you bring your own A&P who will release the a/c afterwards. Please contact us to arrange for a suitable date. During the prebuy you're allowed to: Remove all inspection covers, remove the engine cowling, take oil samples, change the oil filter, perform a compression test, run the engine and perform any boroscopic inspection. You're not allowed to pull cylinders or remove interior panels (other than the rear seats). The aircraft must be left in the same condition as you've found it. If not, we will charge you for the cost of putting it back together.
Tip: Come and see Lisa B at FMS in Michelstadt next week, while it is undergoing annual inspection. That's the best time to view the a/c and talk to the people who have maintained both of them.
Logs and Parts
The current maintenance logs are available online (see below). All logs and the parts collection are available for inspection at our office in Mainz/EDFZ (Am Flugplatz 13) during the following times:
- Thursday 13.04. 14:30 hrs until 17:30 hrs - Monday 17.04. 16:30 hrs until 18:00 hrs - Wednesday 26.04 11:00 hrs until 13:00 hrs - Friday 28.04 15:00 hrs until 17:00 hrs
No pre-arrangement required, just come and have a look at the paperwork and the parts collection.
VAT, customs and trust?
All bids are inclusive of German VAT. Both airplanes have customs dues paid for free circulation within the EU. The airplanes are currently registered with QualitAir trust. The trust can be taken over by the buyer for an administrative fee of EUR 300,- and an annual fee of EUR 500,-
Final thoughts...
These two airplanes were used as rentals for more than 7.800 hrs. They are not pampered beauties. But they are also no hangar queens. They're flying regularly to this day and have been in service for ca. 400 hours per year each for many years. Also they have been maintained with an eye to preventive maintenance to minimise downtime. They have not been maintained for looks.
So please think carefully about it and please bid accordingly. If you've never worked mechanically, if you've never gotten your hands dirty under the hood or worked on a bike or installed some electrical equipment, these aircraft might not be right for you. You need a basic technical understanding and a keen interest in order to operate any GA airplane this age.
All buyers will receive a one day introduction and flight-training in the AA5A with one of our flight instructors for free (if they wish). Both aircraft also come with an electronic knowledge base including Maintenance Manuals, Part Manuals etc.
So now ... finally ... let's have a look at what's on offer:

Item 1: Lisa A, N26292, s/n AA5A0508 1977 Grumman AA5A Cheetah, Mogas STC Fully IFR in European airspace Lots of additional equipment (2 x Bose A20!!) and parts!
- Current Documents List - Maintenance Logs - Additional Fotos - Most recent oil analysis
Times (approximate as of December 8, 2022): - Aircraft Total Time: 7.920 hrs - Engine Time SMOH: 3.802 hrs (see note 1) - Engine Time since shock-loading inspection: 2.550 hrs - Engine Time since top overhaul (new cylinders April 2021): 472 hrs - Propeller TSN: 2.550 hrs - Annual Inspection: 12/2022 - Pitot Static Inspection: 10/2021
Note 1: The engine was overhauled in Feb. 2012 at LOMA. The aircraft had a prop strike in late 2014 where the crankshaft and camshaft where overhauled again 2.550 hrs ago. With the crank drive in good condition in 2021 a top overhaul (new cylinders) was performed.
Equipment: - Honeywell KFD840 Glass Cockpit - STEC 50 Autopilot with altitude hold - KLN94 IFR certified GPS - KX165A 8,33 NAV/COM with Glideslope - Becker 8,33 COM2 - KN62A DME - Becker BXP6401 Mode-S Transponder - Long Range Tanks - iPad 4 mini installed in the panel with ForeFlight MFD - Second altimeter, horizon, airspeed indicator - Digital clock - King Audio panel with 4 place intercom - ELT 406 MHz - Strobes - Map light - Ground Power Receptacle - Battery charge port and matching charger - Extensive paint repair in 2021 by Air Design GmbH - SPOT Trace GPS Satellite Tracker - Bose Headset power jacks front - Bonus Headsets: Two Bose A20 front seats!! Two passive headsets rear seats
Known Issues and Damage History: - Prop Strike in late 2014 - Wing tip strike in 2021 - The KFD850 is not supported by Honeywell anymore. The airplane comes with a working spare unit.
The following parts are sold with the aircraft and not in the parts collection: - Spare KFD840 including flux gate in working condition (repaired) - Flow Scan FS-450 fuel computer with two transducers - Tow Bar, Pitot Cover - 4 Life Vests (expired) - Current Database loaded into the KLN - Dell Laptop with all necessary equipment to update the GPS database - Aviation fire extinguisher (expired) - One Cheetah flush toy (very important for the younger passengers!)

Item 2: Lisa B, N9920U s/n AA5A0320 1977 Grumman AA5A Cheetah, Mogas STC Fully IFR Europe and US Lots of additional equipment (2 x Bose A20!!) and parts!
- Current Documents List - Maintenance Logs - Additional Fotos - Most recent oil analysis
Times (approximate as of April 2, 2023): - Aircraft Total Time: 6.680 hrs (see note 1) - Engine Total Time: 4.160 hrs - Engine Time SMOH: 2.190 hrs (see note 2) - Engine Time since shock-loading inspection: 100 hrs (see damage history below) - Propeller TSN: 6.620 hrs - Propeller TSOH: 4.800 hrs - Annual Inspection: 04/2023 - Pitot Static Inspection: 05/2022
Note 1: Reconstruction. Logs were not consistent at time of purchase in 2012.
Note 2: The engine had an aluminum chip problem shortly after OH in 2014. The problem was traced to a faulty connecting rod and new cylinders were installed ca. 1 year and 200 hours after overhaul. Also a new carburettor was installed last year.
Equipment: - BendixKing AeroVue Touch Glass Cockpit (installed 2020, by Avionik Straubing, a €50k value!) - Century I autopilot + STEC30 altitude hold - IFD440 WAAS IFR GPS (branded as Bendix) - Becker 8,33 COM2 - KN53 NAV2 - Trig 22 ADS-B out transponder - AirAvionics Traffic + FLARM - KN64 DME - Garmin GMA340 Audio Panel - Long Range Tanks - iPad 4 mini with ForeFlight MFD - Second altimeter, horizon, airspeed indicator - Analog clock - ELT 406 MHz - FP-5 Electronic Fuel Computer - Map light - Ground Power Receptacle - Battery charge port and matching charger - SPOT Trace GPS Satellite Tracker - Bose Headset power jacks front - Bonus Headsets: Two Bose A20 front seats!! Two passive headsets rear seats
Known Issues and Damage History: - The airplane had a prop strike in May 2022. A used propeller was installed and the engine inspected according to the manufacturers instructions. Also new nose gear arm dampers were installed.
The following parts are sold with the aircraft and not in the parts collection: - Spare Century I Gyro & Autopilot Computer (overhauled) - Tow Bar, Pitot Cover - 4 Life Vests (expired) - Current Database loaded into the IFD440 - Spare Keyboard for IFR440 - Aviation fire extinguisher (expired) - One Cheetah flush toy (very important for the younger passengers!)

Item 3: Parts Collection The parts collection contains among others:
- Two freshly painted and repaired main wheel fairings
- Two tires (one serviceable)
- Set of placards
- Gyro Horizon (working when removed)
- SkyTec starker (Working when removed. Was removed due to faulty analysis, problem was elsewhere).
- Box of heater ducting
- Box of engine control cable assemblies
- Box of spare seatbelts and rigging tools
- Used electrical fuel pump (status unknown)
- Old nose wheel arm dampers (as cores only)
- RPM Gauge
- Heading gyro
- Spare control lock
- Rudder pedal springs
- Various gaskets
- Life Raft (expired, needs packing)
- 4 sets of Grumman screws and hardware (see fotos)
Note: This is a summary only. All technical information is subject to verification with the original logs by the bidder.
So, if you're interested, place a bid and send it to: jan.brill@pilotundflugzeug.de
Happy landings!
Stand Lisa Auktion Freitag 28.4. 08.00 Uhr
Wie im Auktions-Ablauf angekündigt haben alle Teilnehmer an der Auktion soeben eine Meldung erhalten ob sie das Höchstgebot halten und - wenn nicht - wo das Höchstgebot liegt.
Insgesamt wurden von fünf Teilnehmern Gebote in unterschiedlichen Kombinationen abgegeben, insgesamt 10 Einzelgebote.
Nach dem Ende der Auktion werden wir bekannt geben wo das Höchstgebot jeweils lag.
Festhalten kann man jetzt schon: Es wird mehr erlöst werden all wir für die Flugzeuge bei Anschaffung bezahlt haben (was angesichts von Investitionen und Nutzung nicht sonderlich aussagekräftig ist).
Die Preise die auf Trade-a-Plane oder anderen Plattformen für diese Flugzeuge verlangt werden erscheinen aber doch um mindestens 30% überhöht. Es läuft also ziemlich unaufgeregt und liegt alles etwa im Erwartungsfeld.
Happy Bidding! Jan Brill
Fünf grüne Einsen bei fünf Bietern - ob das korreliert? Zehn Jahre jünger und ich hätte mitgeboten.
Nein. Ein Grüner ist von mir, und ich biete nicht :-)
Das nennt man dann wohl greenwashing ;)
Danke Jan für dieses transparente Update, sehr interessant!
So... die Gewinner sind benachrichtigt. Lisa A hat €50k gebracht, Lisa B €46k und die Teile 2.000 Euro.
viele Grüße Jan Brill
LIEBESKUMMER weil die Lisa weggeflogen ist?
Viele treue LISA-Piloten trauern ja um den "Verlust" der beiden LISA-Grumman Leser-Flugzeuge. Speziell für diese gibt es jetzt eine erfreuliche Nachricht: Der WINX FLYING CLUB in Mainz hat sich aufgrund der vielen Nachfragen nach einer solchen Maschine entschlossen, eine Grumman AA5 anzuschaffen. Das ist nunmehr auch erfolgreich in die Tat umgesetzt worden: Die sehr schöne D-EPNN, eine AA5A (vor dem Avionik-Upgrade noch NVFR), wird in EDFZ (und ggf. auch einsatzweise in EDFE) ab Juni 2023 zu günstigen Charterkonditionen zur Verfügung stehen. Nähere Infos unter: www.winx-flying-club.com
Mir fällt auf, dass die Grumman zu pummelig wirkt, als wäre der Rumpf verkürzt. Das tritt häufig auf, ich bin noch nicht dahinter gekommen, welche Täuschung im Gehirn dahinter steckt. Wir "sehen" Vieles verzerrt, z.B. wirkt ein stehender Zylinder mit Höhe = Durchmesser viel höher als breit. Und der gerade aufgehende Mond viel größer als der senkrecht stehende - ist aber Quatsch. Man nehme eine Schieblehre am ausgestreckten Arm und messe nach. Und gleicht die Anschlussfrage: Wieviel cm groß wird die Mondscheibe sein? Es sind nur 6 mm - das glaubt erstmal kein Mensch.
Abhilfe: Das Bild um 5-10% in der Breite strecken. Das kann jedes Bearbeitungsprogramm, und dann sieht es "natürlich" aus. Muss in mehreren Schritten probiert werden, der Wert schwankt.
Oh ja, es gibt solche Anzeigen, wo jemand die Bilder "optimiert" hat. Ich muss dann immer mit den Augen rollen...
In dem Fall ist es glaube ich keine Täuschung des Gehirns, sondern die Optik der Photographie: Es wird ja Optisch ein Winkelbereich auf ein rechteckiges Photo projeziert. Weiter entfernte Objekte werden dabei im Vergleich zu näher am Objektiv liegenden gestaucht. Im Photo der Grumman ist der Randbogen sehr nah am Objektiv. Er wirkt natürlich bis sogar etwas gestreckt. Im Vergleich dazu ist der Rumpf sehr weit weg vom Objektiv und wirkt gestaucht.
Würde man das jetzt "entzerren", indem man das Photo horizontal streckt, dann würde zwar der Rumpf natürlicher aussehen, das Profil aber wie von einem Kampfjet wirken.
Das einzige was in dem Fall wirklich geholfen hätte ist das berühmte "Turnschuhzoom" - einfach bei der Aufnahme deutlich weiter weg gehen vom Motiv, so das der Tiefenunterschied innerhalb des relevanten Motivs klein ist gegenüber dem Motivabstand.
Ihr habt ja recht, aaaber: Wer ein solches Flugzeug fliegen will, wird auch ohne Foto seine Gründe haben ! Ich kenne Winx nicht, und für mich ist es zu weit weg von daheim ;-), aber ich finde es gut, dass das Angebot geaschaffen wird/ist, insbesondere, da es vielleicht viele ehemalige LISA-Piloten anspricht und eine Alternative bietet ! Das Foto ist in dem Fall eher erst nach der Info der Message wichtig; Aber andererseits natürlich: umgekehrt ist im Marketing die visuelle Präsentation immer sehr wichtig - sonst könnten die Damen in Amsterdam etc. auch im hochgeschlossenen Sackgewand dasitzen, und im Handumdrehen hätte die Stadtverwaltung kein Problem mehr mit der Besucherlenkung ;-) !
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