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31. März 2010: Von Michael Stock an Jan Brill
Hier meine Email an Leute von Boeing, etc. mit cc an die Kundenbetreuung:

Hi Jim,

I know that you and your entire family has been driving BMW cars for a very long time and still do so today. As you and Elliott are also active GA pilots, I hereby suggest that you do not consider BMW products for the future. Please also use your widespread contacts into the US aviation industry to convince as many people as possible to join the "outlaw BMW" initiative. We have two BMWs here but will replace those very soon by products from Audi and Porsche.

The reason: BMW is actively involved in closing down the last remaining GA airport in the Munich area (ETSF) in order to turn it into a proving grounds. The airport is large enough that it could serve both purposes but BMW refuses to talk to the airport operator about this option and urged the State of Bavaria to pursue the closure.

The airport operator has taken the case to court but the political power was strong enough to achieve a perversion of justice. ETSF airport, established 1936, the last GA airport with adequate standards in the Munich area will be devastated very soon despite the fact that it is a natural reserve and a protected area. Local environmentalists already set airplanes on fire in a criminal act to speed up the destruction process. The scenario exceeds what happended to Meigs Field and should receive a corresponding answer from pilots all over the world.

Thank you and best regards,

31. März 2010: Von  an Michael Stock

ich habe auch schon an BMW geschrieben zumal ich eh gerade einen neuen Wagen kaufen will. BMW X5 ist hiermit vom Tisch, das wissen die jetzt bereits. Jeder sollte dies tun. Machen wir mal etwas Wind und diesmal Prop oder Turbine....

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