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27. April 2009: Von RotorHead an Jan Brill
Für die Behauptung, dass man im Fall 1 kein Flight Review bräuchte, habe ich keine entsprechenden Regelungen finden können. FAR 61.56 enthält keine Ausnahmen für Piloten mit ausländischer Lizenz gem. FAR 61.3(a)(1) Satz 2. Es kann daher sicher nicht schaden, für ein gültiges Flight Review oder die Exemptions aus FAR 61.56 Sorge zu tragen.
27. April 2009: Von Jan Brill an RotorHead
FAA Order 8700.1, Chapter 29, paragraph 5D states; “A foreign pilot applicant should be advised that Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14CFR) Part 61, i.e.. 61.3, allows foreign registered aircraft to be operated within the United States by a pilot holding a current license issued by the foreign country where the aircraft is registered.
A U.S.-registered civil aircraft may be operated within a foreign country by a pilot holding a certificate issued by that foreign country. A person may not act as a pilot of a U.S.-registered civil aircraft in the United states unless that person holds a US. Pilot certificate”. Therefore, the restricted certificate must be issued under § 61.75 in order to comply with § 61.3.
If the foreign pilot operates the U. S. registered aircraft in a foreign country he does not have to meet Part 61 requirements (including flight review). If he operates a foreign aircraft in the US on his foreign license, he again does not have to meet the requirements of Part 61. The question then is why is it different for a foreign pilot, who is issued a restricted certificate based only on his foreign licenses, than for a person who operates a foreign registered aircraft in this country using his foreign licenses? The answer seems to be; there is no difference. The purpose of the restricted license is to meet the requirements of § 61.3 and that the flight review is not a requirement. In order to exercise that privilege the foreign pilot must always meet the requirements of his foreign license other wise the restricted certificate is no longer valid. Because of this and the fact that the individual does not hold a non-restricted U S pilot certificate, it appears that they are not required to meet any other section of Part 61, other than what is stated in 61.75.


General Aviation and Commercial Division, AFS-800

John D. Lynch, E-Mail: john.d.lynch@faa.gov
Phone: (202) 267-3844

REVISION #21, DATE: October 12, 2004
28. April 2009: Von RotorHead an Jan Brill

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