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4. Februar 2020: Von Jan Brill an Jan Brill

How to sign documents in AIRDOCS?

Navigate to to the "FLIGHT OPERATIONS" section of the account, by clicking on the name of the person in the homescreen. If you don't see the same, you're either not logged in or you don't have sufficient privileges.

From the list of documente, select "Edit" for the document you want to sign.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the BIG checkbox next the "Sign document as [your name]" text. Then, click "Update object" below to save the document. Done!

Note: If you want to hand the document over to e.g. a student who hat no digital device ready to sign it himself, you can do so without logging out of your account. Simply have the student enter his username and passwort on the right side of the signature line, check the box and click "Update object".

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